Island park sustainable fire


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Slash Disposal

Reduce fire hazard on your property. Learn about slash disposal options for 2024. 

Home Evaluations

Curious about the risk of wildfire on your property? Contact us for a free home evaluation.

Island Park Sustainable Fire Community

Island Park is a wonderful place to live. The beautiful landscapes surrounding our properties pose a significant wildfire threat to homes and businesses.

Island Park residents can take simple steps to make their homes more fire-resistant and safer for fire crews to defend. Create defensible space by thinning trees and brush near buildings, adding fire resistant components to your home and maintaining a well-watered green space immediately around buildings during fire season.

The Island Park Sustainable Fire Community is here to help.

We offer free home evaluations, free slash pick-up, and educational activities to prepare our community for inevitable wildfires.


Use the form below to get your free evaluation. This evaluation helps you discover:

  • How to reduce your fire risk
  • How to protect your individual property areas
  • How your vegetation contributes to fire risk
  • PLUS discover all about your property’s topography

2 + 2 = ?

Become Firewise


Roofs should be built of nonflammable material such as metal or nonflammable shingles.


To reduce the chance of a fire from spreading between the tops of trees, maintain at least 18 foot spacing between trees or clumps of trees within 30 feet of your structure and at least 10 feet between trees or clumps of trees 30 feet or more away from structures.


Ladder Fuel Reduction. Remove vegetation that will move a fire from the ground surface into the tops of the trees by limbing or pruning trees up at least 6 feet from the ground and cutting shrubs from under remaining trees.


Sign up for a free property evaluation, slash removal or inquire about our fuels reduction programs.


Burning subalpine fir can throw fire brands or ember several miles igniting fires. Remove these trees or limb them up at least 6 feet from the ground to prevent them from catching fire.

Wildland fires are a force of nature that can be nearly as impossible to prevent, and as difficult to control, as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods.

Wildland fire can be a friend and a foe. In the right place at the right time, wildland fire can create many environmental benefits, such as reducing grass, brush, and trees that can fuel large and severe wildfires and improving wildlife habitat. In the wrong place at the wrong time, wildfires can wreak havoc, threatening lives, homes, communities, and natural and cultural resources.

This is more important than ever because over the last few decades, the wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Longer fire seasons; bigger fires and more acres burned on average each year; more extreme fire behavior; and wildfire suppression operations in the wildland urban interface (WUI) have become the norm.

Wildfire Prevention

The public plays a valuable role in preventing wildfires. The national average of human-caused wildfires comprises 87 percent of all wildfire occurrences every year. Most of these fires can be prevented.

Preventable wildfires threaten lives, property, and our precious natural resources. Whether it is properly extinguishing a campfire or keeping your vehicle maintained to prevent sparks, following just a few simple steps can help prevent wildfires.

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