Sign Up by August 31

For 2024, grant support for free slash pickup restricts us to the Yale Creek area and all other properties west of Shotgun Store along the Yale-Kilgore Road.

To get signed up for slash removal and disposal, all elgible homeowners must comply with the Client Responsibility Checklist.

Find link to SIGN UP at the bottom of the Checklist

-You will receive email confirmation after your form is submitted

-Slash piles will be picked up by November 1, 2024

-If your pile does not get picked up by this date, please call us (208) 680-6582

Badly Stacked PilePerfectly Stacked Pile

Frequently asked questions

Defensible space is the area surrounding a house or other structure where the vegetation and fuels have been modified, thinned, or removed to slow or stop fire from reaching the building(s), giving firefighters a better opportunity to safely and effectively defend the property.

Creating defensible space rarely involves removing all vegetation and fuels from the landscape, but it does require reduction in flammable vegetation. When properly done, defensible space can help provide you and your property with protection from fire and flying embers.

Slash can be defined as the branches, treetops, bushes, and other woody material less than 7” in diameter that remains after thinning or performing other fuels treatments on a property. Slash does not include dirt or other material such as household garbage, chemicals, plastics, appliances, tree stumps, or large roots. Slash also does not include rocks or construction material such as 2x4s, plywood, etc.

Since slash is no longer living trees or vegetation, it generally becomes very dry and, subsequently, very combustible. Slash is often piled together, and this creates a large, highly flammable concentration of fuel for a fire. These piles are especially dangerous when located next to structures or close to standing trees and bushes because they can provide the dangerous “ladder fuels” that cause fires to climb into the crowns of trees where they become difficult and dangerous to control.

There are several options for removing slash from your property:

  • Take the slash to an approved dump site.
  • Burned under very specific, controlled conditions (see below).
  • Participate in the annual IPSFC slash disposal.

Please contact us at ipsustainablefire@gmail.com or at 208-680-6852 for further questions about slash and how to dispose of it.

  • The State of Idaho requires burn permits from May 10 through October 20. Burning can be limited based on current fire restrictions. It is also illegal to burn garbage and most human-made substances, including: plastic, hazardous waste, paints or painted materials, tires, and trade wastes (produced by a business). These materials emit hazardous pollutants into the air when they are burned and must be taken to a registered landfill.
  • Please visit burnpermits.idaho.gov for more information on how to apply for a burn permit and what restrictions may apply.
  • The Meadow Creek Pit at Valley View is open mid-May though October, 10 am to 3pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
  • Please ensure that slash loads do not contain any garbage, appliances, and other non-vegetative material, or we will be unable to accept it. Trash is very costly and time-consuming to relocate.